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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est C'est La Vie. Afficher tous les articles

samedi 7 décembre 2013

# 233

Cheveux/Hair: Wasabi Pills Brrree Mesh Hair
Chapeau/Hat: GizzA Xmas Hat Crochet Reindeer J&A EXPO GATCHA  tysm
Romper: [*RoTtEn DeFiAnCe*] Low Top Button Romper Red 10L CLOSING SALE
Cardigan: ::C'est la vie !:: Shawl Collar cardigan @ THE CHAPTER FOUR
Collant/Tight: ::kDm:: knit socks and tights 2L @ Formosa Mall
Sac/Bag: [M2M] Cottom Bag Red Wine @ MARKETPLACE
Bottes/Boots: *COCO* KneeBoots 50% OFF SALE


dimanche 24 novembre 2013

Typhoon Haiyan Fundraising Campaign

Chandail/Sweater: ::C'est la vie !:: Wool Sweater red mesh 100%donation
 @ Typhoon Haiyan Fundraising Campaign
Pantalon/Pant: [dirty.little.secret]  ashley jeans CLOSED ?
Chaussures/Shoes: *BC322 Brothel Creepers Gibson
Geek Pose/Picture 1: !bang Talk Nerdy @ GEEKS'N'NERDS Nov. 24th-Dec.8th


mercredi 4 septembre 2013

# 188

Cheveux/Hair: Maitreya Joy II
Robe/Dress: Overhigh  Dress GROUP GIFT
Sac/Bag: ::C'est la vie !::  Messy Bag 50L GATCHA

dimanche 18 novembre 2012

# 114

Crop Hoodie: Baiastice November Mesh Crop Hoodie GROUP GIFT
Robe/Dress: BOTHER Merino past MySecondBox
Bottes/Boots: Latreia Deb Brown WOMENSTUFF HUNT
Sac à main/Handbag: C'est La Vie! knit tote bag mesh WOMENSTUFF HUNT